Additional procedures
Please note that as a member of Science Accueil and a fortiori of the Euraxess France network, you can benefit from the Axa Group offer specially negotiated by the FNAK for all researchers hosted in France, including PhD students.
You will find the details of this offer on the Fondation Alfred Kastler‘s website. To benefit from this coverage please contact Science Accueil. To benefit from this offer, you must connect to your personal space on Science Accueil or register on the Science Accueil website by clicking here
Bank Account
If you are a student, PhD student, a researcher or scientist, and you need to open a bank account in the southern Ile-de-France, we suggest you take advantage of the offers specially negotiated by Science Accueil for you with some banking partners located in Orsay, Gif-sur-Yvette, Jouy-en-Josas, Palaiseau, Massy and Evry.
Be careful, for most of the procedures in France, including renting an accommodation, a bank account is compulsory. Science Accueil can help you with this particular point before your arrival. To benefit from it, you must connect to your personal space of Science Accueil or register on the Science Accueil website via this link
French employers must declare their employees to the Social Security within 8 days after the beginning of the contract. This statement is essential, but you also need to go to the Social Security Center you depend on, which is determined by your personal address. This center is called “Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie” or CPAM.
In fact, registering to the CPAM corresponds to a “registration”: the Social Security will give you a Social Security Number that will allow you to be reimbursed for you health expenses. This number is very important and is required for some other administrative procedures.
Science Accueil can help you with those health procedures. To do this, you must log in to your personal Science Accueil space or register on the Science Accueil website by clicking here
Children education
Kindergarten and Primary school
In order your children to go to a public school in France, they need beforehand to be registered to the educational service of the town hall of your place of residence:
You need to constitute a complete file to do so. It must be composed of:
- The child’s passport
- His birth certificate translated in French
- A proof a address (lease, rent receipt less than three months old, or electricity bill less than three months old)
- the health record of the child certified by a French doctor.
The council will tell you which school your child attends, depending on where you live.
In general, children enter kindergarten at age 3 and elementary school at age 6. From the age of 3, schooling is mandatory in France.
Middle and high school
For middle (from 11 years old) and high school, registrations have to be done at the “Rectorat”.
Beware : procedures may take several weeks, as children first need to have an interview and a test.
We strongly recommend that you get information and start the registration procedure before your arrival.
For a complete list of middle and high schools of southern Ile-de-France or for further general information about education, please visit the website of the Académie de Versailles or the Académie des Hauts-de-Seine.