Welcome to our page dedicated to the media.
Our organization plays a real role as a lever for the international attractiveness of the territory and is at the crossroads of multiple audiences:
- Scientists and students using our services (3500 to 4000 / year)
- Owners of furnished accommodation (up to 1500 inhabitants) and hotel residences
- Management teams or those in charge of welcoming international scientists in schools, higher education institutions, companies and start-ups.
- Local authorities, administrations and social actors
Operation Student Solidarity - O.S.E.
Fresh organic radishes from the Loiret region, cheeses and syrups from the Chevreuse valley, and organic apple juice delighted the taste buds of students from the Moulon plateau who came from France and elsewhere.
On Friday, May 21, 2021, all the students of the neighboring establishments were invited to a meeting around a good-food buffet with local accents, including those in great precariousness to whom O.S.E. is addressed.
This “Operation Student Solidarity” was launched by Science Accueil in April 2021 with the support of the Carrefour Foundation in order to help students in financial or psychological difficulty due to the health crisis: loss or unsuccessful search for a student job, postponement of internships, impact of the crisis on the time it takes to obtain certain papers, isolation, blues, psychological distress.
Science Accueil was very keen to participate in the general solidarity movement, and, thanks to the support of the Carrefour Foundation, has set up this initiative until the summer, which will allow the distribution of more than 150 solidarity vouchers to the most needy students, after examination of their request by a committee.
In addition to the financial aid provided, four psychology interns have been recruited for an original approach: to offer students “peer-to-peer” exchanges to break the isolation, initiate dialogue and eventually start care in the form of interviews, under the supervision of a senior psychologist.
Identifiable by their green Science Accueil t-shirts, these future psychologists travel around the plateau and its institutions to engage in dialogue with students.
Science Accueil Christmas menu
On Wednesday, December 23, Science Accueil organized the operation “Christmas menu” to allow the international scientists to have a sweeter Christmas despite the distance and isolation caused by the health situation.
Hot chocolate, apple juice, mulled wine, gingerbread, buns and hot chestnuts as well as a gourmet gift with local products were shared with the participants.
The “Christmas menu” was supported by the University of Paris-Saclay, ENSTA-Paris, Onera, the Cesal residence, the association Ted, Paul et les autres, the online store Ecureuil saveurs, and many Science Accueil owners.
See the article written by Le Parisien on “Christmas menu” above.
Science Accueil in the press

Print media
- Normandie (24 mai 2022) : Vernon, l’AVF reçoit étudiants, doctorants, chercheurs
- Magazine municipal d’Orsay (summer 2021) : Science Accueil : un soutien pour les scientifiques.
- Magazine Gif Infos (June-July 2021) : Alister soutien les étudiants en galère.
- Le Parisien (May 27th, 2021) : À Paris-Saclay, des étudiants en psychologie à l’écoute de leurs camarades détresse , par Cécile Chevallier
- Actualités fondation Carrefour (April 26, 2021) : Pandémie : la Fondation Carrefour aux côtés des étudiantes et étudiants
- Le Parisien (December 24th, 2020) : Sur le Plateau de Saclay, les étudiants internationaux se préparent à un Noël isolé, par Cécile Chevallier
- Le Parisien (November 12th, 2020) : A Palaiseau et Orsay, les services publics assurés malgré le reconfinement, par Cécile Chevallier
- Le Parisien (January 31st , 2020) : L’Opération séduction pour attirer des chercheurs de Grande-Bretagne, par Cécile Chevallier
- La Tribune (January 31st , 2020) : Brexit : l’Île-de-France veut faire venir les chercheurs britanniques à Saclay, par César Armand.
- L’Usine Nouvelle (January 31st , 2020) : Paris-Saclay veut profiter du Brexit pour attirer les chercheurs d’outre-Manche, par Gautier Virol
- Essonne info (12 juillet 2018) : La vie d’expat’ en Essonne, ça donne quoi ?
- Webnews from CNRS Paris Centre (January 30th, 2024) :
- Actualité Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (March 8th, 2022) :
- Normandie (May 24th, 2022) : Vernon, l’AVF reçoit étudiants, doctorants, chercheurs
- ActuEssonne (July 15th 2021) : L’agglomération Paris-Saclay renouvelle les membres de son conseil développement, dont le président de Science Accueil fait parti.
- Radio Sensations, Mag Essonne (December 1st, 2020) : Entretien avec Jean BERTSCH, président , par Jessy Wuylens
- ActuEssonne (November 12th, 2020) : confinement en Essonne. Les étudiants et chercheurs étrangers continuent d’être accompagnés, Par Thibaut Faussabry
- Versailles GrandParc (September 20th, 2020) : Science Accueil Ouvre un bureau à Versailles
- : (6 février 2020) Essonne. Paris-Saclay veut profiter du Brexit pour attirer des chercheurs de Grande-Bretagne, par Jérôme Lemonnier
- GouvActu Adminet : (February 5th, 2020) Paris-Saclay Calling, l’Essonne terre de recherche, non signé
- Le MOCI (Moniteur du Commerce International) : (February 3rd, 2020) Attractivité / Île-de-France : Paris-Saclay veut attirer les chercheurs du Royaume-Uni, par Venice Affre.
- BFM TV : (January 31st , 2020) Brexit: Paris-Saclay drague les chercheurs britanniques, Alicia Foricher et Baptiste Graziani avec Florian Bouhot.
- Le Parisien : (January 31st ,2020) Brexit : l’Essonne veut attirer à Paris-Saclay des chercheurs de Grande-Bretagne, par Cécile Chevallier.
- La Tribune : (January 31st ,2020) Brexit : l’Île-de-France veut faire venir les chercheurs britanniques à Saclay, par César Armand.
- Usine Nouvelle : (January 31st ,2020) Paris-Saclay veut profiter du Brexit pour attirer les chercheurs d’outre-Manche, par Gautier Virol.
- Essonne info (12 juillet 2018) : La vie d’expat’ en Essonne, ça donne quoi ?
- NEWSTANK (30 janvier 2020) : Région IDF : une campagne pour attirer les chercheurs du Royaume-Uni à Saclay ; par Caroline Pain
- AEF (30 janvier 2020) : Brexit : l’Île-de-France “déroule le tapis bleu blanc rouge” à la R&D britannique ; par Anne Roy
Visit of the Minister of Public Service
On Thursday, November 12, the Minister of the Civil Service visited the Guichet d’Accueil des Talents Etrangers (GATE).
She was welcomed by the 3 co-pilots of the GATE. Jean Bertsch, President of Science Accueil, gave her a presentation on how the system works and the profiles of its users.
Sophie Langrognet, Director of the Science Accueil development division, presented the support methods that GATE has put in place to reduce user travel, particularly the digital GATE. Bertsch added, “Our credo is that everything should be settled in two passes at most, to move students as little as possible, which is therefore COVID-compatible. To comply with health protocol, we now receive by appointment only, and we have opened a digital GATE accessible day and night.”
Madame Amélie Montchalin spoke with users. “I am reassured to see that the service is being maintained during this second lockdown,” Elhadji, a Senegalese student, told her.
The GATE will remain open until December 18. International students and researchers can come by appointment to take advantage of the services offered: residence permit, Science Accueil information point, CAF, CPAM, Pôle Emploi, RATP, CROUS.

Alister's journal
Our newsletter Alister is published 2 to 4 times a year and allows our readers to follow the news of Science Accueil and its partners and to
In addition to gathering all the activities of the quarter, our newspaper gives a nice overview of Science Accueil news and upcoming news.
Don’t miss it!
See the latest edition (FV):
Previous journals
The Science Accueil Journal has been running since June 2016, here is an archive of our previous issues.