Prepare your stay

Whether you are already in France or still in your home country, Science Accueil helps you through your mobility process and administrative procedures, and provides you with information regarding daily life in France.


Science Accueil develops programs facilitating the  integration process as well as discovering French culture.  For instance, share a meal with a French family, participate in a reassurance program or take French courses.

 We provide you with various services, programs and information necessary for your arrival in France.

For the list of Science Accueil member institutions and to know if you are available for support in your installation process, click here

If your host institution is not a member of Science Accueil, we may put you in contact with one of our partners from the Region Ile-de-France’s Access network of mobility centers.

Welcome to Ile-de-france !

Your mobility program

In order to be prepared for your stay, you should think about a few things such as administrative procedures, accommodation research, or insurance options.

You will find this kind of information in Science Accueil’s Welcome booklet

Science Accueil facilitates your relocation process!

Science Accueil offers you a range of housing possibilities from our owner’s network, adapted to your needs.


We help international researchers and PhD students with their administrative procedures, depending on their country of origin, status, and needs.


More procedures can be done before your arrival, please contact us for further information.

Once you arrive, you can take care of all the procedures regarding mandatory insurances, healthcare system, or registration  for your minor children (under 18 years old).

To have access to more services, please check out these pages.

Adapting to a new environment is not easy. We offer cultural experiences and suggest activities around you to increase your professional and social integration.

Please check out these pages:

How to benefit from our services?

To contact us, please fill the request form below.

From your personal account
+33 (0)1 70 26 41 40


Note that our office is open from Monday to Friday, 9:30am-4:45pm

To check your file for a renewal process of your residence card, please make an appointment with us.


See you soon !