Exceptional closure at lunch time
Science Accueil Gif-sur-Yvette will be temporarily closed between 1 and 2 pm every day during August.
Science Accueil Gif-sur-Yvette will be temporarily closed between 1 and 2 pm every day during August.
As a reminder, Science Accueil’s courses promote immersion learningby offering two semesters of 60 hours each at an affordable price. We offer courses at many locations (Gif-sur-Yvette, Bures-sur-Yvette, Orsay, Moulon, in the Palaiseau Polytechnique campus, and at Evry’s University).
Fore more information clic here
To mark the opening of its Versailles branch, a special edition of Versailles was published on 5 September 2020, describing our activities around scientific mobility in the Versailles and Yvelines regions (French version). En savoir plus…
You are a scientist (student, doctorant, researcher), and you have temporary financial difficulties during this period ? contact us !
Even if the confinement is over, you are still telecommuting, and are still living in isolation, or are experiencing difficulties, don’t stay alone, contact us, individual (listening) or group activities can be organized.
Our new cultural program is published.
Due to the sanitary situation, our next visits are delayed.
Complete reopening of Science Accueil to the public except in Evry.
The head office located at 18 mail Pierre Potier in Gif-sur-Yvette (entrance rue Jules Horowitz, bus lane). Open from 9:30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. To contact us: 07 49 32 14 18. Access map. Thank you for your loyalty!
We provide some useful information and services for international scientists during this containment period . See more…
Science Accueil is carrying the “Paris-Saclay calling” promotional campaign launched by the Essonne department, Choose Paris-Region and the Paris-Saclay players, aimed at attracting students, researchers and scientists present in Great Britain.
See the Paris-Saclay calling website.
Science accueil has moved to our new offices, 18 mail Pierre Potier – 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette. You can come and see us or join us by phone : 07 49 32 14 18. See access map…
Jean BERTSCH, the President of Science Accueil, the elected officials, and the Science Accueil team, wishes you an excellent year 2020 !