Learn French with Science Accueil

Join the Science Accueil classes and learn French in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, with oral practice, immersion courses, apéro-fle, and an end-of-semester party!

The next semester starts on October 7, so reserve your place now – level tests are already underway! To find out more…

Next visit: The art of becoming Parisian: October 12

To kick off the French art of living tour in style, we invite you to experience a typically Parisian evening: brasserie-theater and after-party in a bar. Don’t miss this exceptional back-to-school evening. More information on the tour

GATE is here to help you!

The Guichet d’Accueil des Talents Etrangers is open until December 20, 2024.Make an appointment to get help with your administrative formalities, obtain assistance with a blocked or unanswered application, or check all the formalities required for your stay in France.

Located in the Paris-Saclay University Library, building 407, the GATE is open to all internationals, no strings attached. Don’t wait any longer, make an appointment here!


Welcome to France !

Prepare your move to France with the “Livret d’accueil Science Accueil”, a wealth of information and tips to help you make the most of your stay in France. To find out more…