Next visit: Les guinguettes au bord de la Marne

To round off this tour of the French art of living, we’ll take you back in time to the Parisians of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who came to enjoy themselves by the water and dance to the sound of the accordion in an idyllic setting. Take a guided walk (in English) along the Ile-de-Beauté path, cross the Marne on a barge and enjoy an aperitif in one of the last and oldest Guinguettes!  read more

Summer Schedule

Science Accueil will stay open all Summer long in order to welcome you and help you ! The only change is that the offices will be closed between 12am and 2pm from the 31st of July to the 18th of August included.

The offices will be also closed on the 14th and 15th of August. Thank you for your understanding.

All the team wish you a wonderful Summer !

Next visit: Saturday, May 13, 2023

Join our tour of Monet’s home and gardens in Giverny and compose your own watercolor and pastel painting in the typical streets of the village…. click here for more details.

Would you like to join the Science Accueil team?

Science Accueil is hiring !

International mobility agents (dedicated to accommodation research at Gif-sur-Yvette or in administrative procedures (94)) in CDD or CDI.

Also are you looking for an internship? Would you like to take a gap year in your studies that is useful to society and open yourself up to a new environment? Science accueil offers you internships or civic service positions. Click here for more information

L’art de vivre à la cour : Versailles

Saturday, March 11, 2023, push the doors of the palace, discover Versailles: guided tour of the castle, discovery of the Jean Sablé school of trompe-l’oeil, meeting and lunch with resident, from the AVF partners (Accueil Ville Française) … the art of living in Versailles! More information about it, click here


French as a Foreign Language courses start

Join our FLE courses in a friendly atmosphere with qualified teachers!
You can register now!
For more information click here

Science Accueil participates in the promotion of the Euraxess network 

Euraxess France has launched an operation to promote the expertise of its mobility centers throughout France and the different themes of support: videos and testimonials are posted on the Facebook page and relayed abroad.

After Occitania, Lorraine, Strasbourg, Nantes, discover the video shot at Science Accueil, on the theme of Well-being! Watch the video

Best wishes

Jean BERTSCH, Chair of Science Accueil,
the members of the Board of Directors
and the whole team wish you a happy new year 2023!
Click here to see the picture

Cultural visit: le Paris des arts et lettres

Sunday, January 29th, 2023

Let’s discover the emblematic district of the Parisian culture which will seduce you by its atmosphere impregnated with memories of writers, painters, monuments with such a singular architecture… plus d’information

Next visit

Beaudelaire said: “Perfumes turn in the evening air like a languorous vertigo”. The importance of fragrances is recognized worlwide and evokes the imagination of sensuality.Perfume is considered in France as an unequalled artistic creation.

Join us for this visit !

More information about it